Monday, March 26

Business Etiquette 101


In life mistakes happen and sometimes people have life changing circumstances intervene that a person may not be capable of controlling. Before, we as "BUSINESSES / People" jump to conclusions, maybe we as Business Wo/Men need to Over-Stand how to communicate on a a much more professional level... As A Business.

- we as people ALL spend money, but $pending money doesn't deem that your a Business to say the most. Now I do appreciate any money spent with my company and I ask that if I spend my money to be accepted on the same terms. Have I lost money as a Business, of course! It comes with doing Business, although when I did lose money I tried to give that person/business the benefit of the doubt to "SEE" what may have happened before I turned into a Judge & the Jury.

Business Etiquette should definitely be considered in this new age of Social Communication on Facebook, Twitter, Google + etc. ...#239. Oft times No Reply is better suited 4 a formal gathering, rather than a stained comment left on the collar by ur lips. - {#THINK}

Posted via email from I Am Shimmy

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