Thursday, January 20

TOP TEN Investments for an Indie Artist

1. BUDGET - Delegate a set amount of money (budget) to your career whether you have JOB or NOT save on Making Your career GREAT.

2. STOP WASTING MONEY - Do you need the NEW PAIR of TENNIS SHOES (Jordans), New Outfits, Marijuana, Beer, Club Parties & Chicken... lol. BUT NO 4 REAL - STOP WASTING MONEY THINGS w/ a Non-Return Value

3. INVEST WISELY - Spend money IN YOURSELF... get a Professional Bio, Press Kit, Pictures, Website, & Definitely Business Cards. Start Small & End up BIG!

4. COLLABORATE - Maybe your NOT a Good performing ARTIST but you can WRITE a HOT SONG. THEN seek to write for a PERFORMING ARTIST. Same things may apply here w/ the PERFORMING ARTIST; maybe your NOT GOOD at WRITING a HOT RECORD them seek to collaborate w/ a HOT WRITER before collaborating w/ another ARTIST. - FYI: PLEASE GET COMPENSATED (PAID) for YOUR WORK.

5. PHOTOGRAPHY - They say a picture is worth a THOUSAND WORDS & IMAGE is EVERYTHING so why waste your money on a non-professional look, image, & or photographer. ALWAYS, & ALWAYS remember that LIGHTING has A LOT to do with photography along w/ photoshop editing to evoke a captivating image. BE WISE & INVEST in a PROFESSIONAL on this ONE. NO EXCUSES!


6. INTERVIEWS - If you have done more SHOWS than you have Interviews then maybe YOU need to seek a PRESS RELEASE, PRESS KIT, & I definitely would recommend seeking a PUBLICIST. Enough is said on that one.

7. COMMUNICATE - Twitter & Facebook along w/ LinkedIN is the new wave of Interacting Social Media & Networking with people. If you want to be professional & meet more professional people than pay attention to WHAT YOU SAY & HOW YOU SAY IT. REMEMBER they say Think before YOU SPEAK; so THINK befoe YOU TWEET in 2011.

8. WEBSITE - You do want to make Money correct? WELL SELL YOUR MUSIC, Pictures, Image, Brand, TOUR, MERCHANDISE on your SITE. MAKE MONEY from YOU... Facebook nor Twitter doesn't provide these opportunities to buy your music DIRECTLY, & MYSPACE is Obsolete aka DEAD! Social Media are Tools, use them 2 build your networks & in return build your networth.

9. TECHNICAL - This may be a SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO, Marketer, etc. along with with a digital designer of say websites, & flyers. Technicians comes in handy to increase Your availability & visibility on the net such as search Engines. (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)

10. CONSISTENCY - Well they say "CONSISTENCY is KEY," but to KNOW the "RIGHT DOOR" to use the KEY in which to turn THE LOCK is the KEY to staying Consistent. - See that's the KEY... which way 2 turn now? Well maybe try turning the KEY to hitting the LINK below to contact me. CHOICE is YOURS NEO? - Matrix

Follow @Shimmy2one6

Posted via email from I Am Shimmy

Tuesday, January 18

11 MISTAKES WOMEN make w/ most MEN

#1) Liars... Smh that's a big one..
Women lie to men... To other women.. And most of all.. To themselves... Smh.. If ur not real with u about who u are.. Why shuld he?

#2) Nagging...
Women... If u shut up sometimes u will hear what u want to hear... We talk ourselves outta sooo much..

#3) Tryin to be everything that "He" wants...
Just be u... A lot of times they like that better...

#4) Having nothing going for urself...
Go get hobby! Get a job.. Nothing more sexy than a women who can contribute! Trust me most men don't want ya money.. But the thought is sexy

#5) Talking to everyone BUT ur man...
We loose out on good relationships and good men talkin to our mommas friends even coworkers.. But u never talk to him.. U screamed..

#6) Sayin what u "Don't Do"...
Men don't adapt well to change.. If u were suckin and fuckin to get him u better continue cuz there sum1 dying to take over..

#7) Don't listen...
Women expect me to listen.. Understand.. Pay attention.. But we don't listen to them.. We don't hear them till its too late..

#8) Get too comfortable...
Remember ladies *he could have another u in a minute.. Matter of fact that bitch is outside* lol..

#9) Using sex as punishment...
Ur loosing... Sex is a requirement.. learn ur man.. Use it to ur advantage.. A side chick should never kno ur man sexually better than u

#10) Trying to change...
Mold someone into who they want them to be instead of taking them for who they are

#11) Comparing...
"Your" relationship with other peoples... Their reality is not "Your" reality

Written By: @Inscrutably_LL

Posted via email from I Am Shimmy