Thursday, October 20

How Can An Artist Develop Online Fans

It seems pretty much everyone has to have 'some sort' of digital marketing strategy for musicians & small business. I believe a key thing to notice in todays market is the power and relevance of the social communities and a direct-to-fanbase (movement) built around the music/brand. Labels of all sorts are struggling with creative new ways to monetize their operations.

However, today, with so many artists striving for "attention" there's a lot more competition, and many of those musicians don't spend much (if any) time trying to make sure that they really serve the needs of their market, & on-demand communities. Lack of knowledge, understanding, & infrastructure is making it that much more harder for growth in new genres for musicians.

So, to succeed, talent needs to rethink & reinvest in really adding exclusive value to their market genre. That means really listening and responding to the fans, and providing additional content and resources that fit along with a campaign that can easily be related into merchandise.

If you manage to consistently inform fans about exclusive news, it could turn out to be a great 'reason to buy/subscribe'. Fans want to follow information and review new music, plus offer their two cents. Remember, "Exclusivity": fans love to pay to be crowned, "the first one with it!"




Posted via email from I Am Shimmy