Friday, December 11

Network=Net Worth: 3 Key Fan List Strategies

Most artist don't realize how powerful a fan list is. Many don't take advantage of this tool, even though it has proven countless times that artists that are good about staying in touch with their fans have a better chance of always gaining new fans, increasing music sales, getting more people to shows, and having longer careers.
I've decided to give everyone my top 3 fan list strategies that everrybody should know.

1.) Social Networks are NOT a fan list.
Your friends/followers on MySpace, Facebook, or Twitter aren't a real fan list! They are real fans, but you don't know much about them other than that. Having a fan list gives you an opportunity to own your fan database. You'll have accurate, detailed info about fans. Helping you target messages to specific fan groups and more.

2.) Communicate Regularly.
Artists know that they have to communicate with their fans on a regular basis, but they often are at a loss for things to say. The good thing is what you say to your fans is not as important as how regularly you talk to them. Fans signup for your list to hear from you! If you keep in touch with your fans, your list will continue to grow. Build a relationship with them by not just promoting projects and shows. Talk about your experiences and interests so that your fans connect with you as a person. If you don't communicate often, you will lose fans.

3.) Include links to places you want your fans to go.
This one seems obvious, but you'd be surprised by how many artists don't include a link or call to action in each message. You should include a link to your website, any profiles on social networking sites, your merch store, a place to download your music, and anything else that's important. They don't need to be huge but make sure you include it somewhere.

FanBridge is a great way to manage your fan list. I know some artists that use their services and highly recommend them. Hopefully, these tips will help you build valuable fan relationships.
Check out this video on the importance of maintaining a fan list.

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