Up The Way - Down The Way - Darren Anthony by 2one6promo
Why do people lack getting a Mentor/Teacher/Coach/Rabbi to Advise them on WHAT to DO & WHAT NOT to DO??
Today its all about LOOKING GOOD - PHYSICALLY!! This is COOL to most people like The Cool Grey Jordan's... I look good, I got $$$, a few People like it & most are content with Just looking good aka Cool.
- Most are not concerned about Brand - Image - of their Musical Product from Recording, Mixing, Mastering, Marketing & this is the core of the Business of creating Music as a Business... but everyone Looking Cool in their Cool Greys want to get paid for what I guess... Looking Cool!?!?
Even promotional companies today choose not to be concerned with their Image & what their business represents, because most of these people just want to Look & Act Cool online & offline. - But hey if THEY LOOK GOOD & COOL... I guess thats ALL that MATTERS.
In 2011 Keeping it Cool in the Grey Matter of Your Brain is just Cool