Friday, December 11

Digga's Story Part Two... Personal

Every business man knows that you have to have some personal time if you want to stay sane enough to be successful. Digga is no different. In part two he talks about his passion for the youth and I even got him to speak on his love life.

Rashida: Last time we talked you were talking so passionately about the youth and about how the youth has been failed. Just tell me a little bit about how you feel about this generation and what it is that you plan on doing with helping for the next generation.

Digga: Wow. It's so sad what's going on with this generation. And to all the young people in this generation that come across this on the web, this is not about bashing y'all. 'Cause it ain't y'all fault. The adults, the ones my age and after me, or before me. We all have to understand that we had a job to do, we failed the ones that are coming up now. We are so quick to point the finger and say "Look at these lil' niggas!" or "Look at her! She got her ass hangin' out and her thong showing."... Where you think they got it from? It goes all the way back to babies having babies, the lack of education that the school system has brought about. The cats that's in the media, they don't make it no better. We glorify the wrong things in life. We all grew up out of wrong things in life. From drinking liquor and smoking icky sticky, popping pills, and the whole nine yards! We gotta understand that when we do all of these things in front of the youth the only thing that youth is gonna do, they gonna think it's cool because they see you do it. We need to stop setting trends in the worst way and starting doing things to better these kids. 'Cause when you get old and these kids start coming in your house while you watching T.V. 'cause they ain't got no hope for the future, don't be mad at them.

Rashida: Now I want to get into my silly questions.

Digga: Ain't no question a silly question!

Rashida: (Laughs) Well I took a cue from Tyra and came up wit some questions that play on your name to help get to know you a little better. The first one is "Digga Hole". Talk about being in a hole or situation that you never thought you would get out of. Something that you've conquered or overcome.

Digga: Wow... I have a few. And it's funny that you asked that. 'Cause these are things that I talk to myself about. I don't answer myself! (Laughs) That's a sign of hospital time. But you talking about family wise or street wise?

Rashida: We can talk about street wise.

Digga: Well, street wise, one thing that I thought I wasn't going to be able to conquer and I thought that I was in a whole no matter how good I was doing... 'cause talking about this money thing... A lot of people don't know what it's like to be nigga rich, and I've been that a few times over. I had a mill ticket, like y'all say no cappin' no hollin', I had a million by the time I was 28 years old. Maintained it for many moons. And basically, the moral of it is that I never thought that I would be able to get out the game without people coming to my funeral. All my niggas locked up or dead. Cats don't know what it's like to lose 50 people that's close to me in one year. I just came from a funeral in Cincinatti. I've been around so much death right at my front door. And to this day I just sit and wonder why. Not asking God, 'cause that's something that I won't do, just me, "Nigga, what makes you so speacial?". And all I can say is I got that armor on me. I got that shield [of God]. And I always did what I had to do to move right. It's just an overwhelming feeling to walk away from the game and the fans still love you.

Rashida: That's a hell of a whole to come out of. To leave the game with your life is a blessing. Moving on to the next one, "Digging the Ladies". Now I know that you are not single, but I still wanna touch on the things that you look for in a good woman.

Digga: Originality. Don't get me wrong, it look good. Most cats look at the girl that's all made up. Very materialistic. Got to have her jewelry game up like your jewelry game up. Somebody who feel like they got to go shopping every weekend. Real talk from a real nigga that's a turn off to me. Looking nice is good for the heart. That's good for the soul, but you can do it in your own original way. You don't have to go outside your means. If you can cook that's a plus. A damn plus! At the same time you have to have pretty feet. I don't fcuk with no female who feet fcuked up. That's a rule. It's just like women. When a nigga walk up y'all look at his shoes first. My baby she done seen the best of me. She's seen me in all forms. I like a laid back individual. That's why I soughted her out as opposed to the others. Plus the things that we went through when we met a while back. And just how interested she was in what I was doing. She was interested in the music and it touched me. I want somebody who compliments me, is a good representative of Dig, and says "You can't get to me to get under his skin." I need a rider, not just a female that's trying to go along for the ride. And all that weave, I don't rock with that! (Laughs)

Rashida: Next is "Dig Your Eyes Out". Talk about your pet peeves. Things that make you want to dig your eyes out or pull your hair out.

Digga: Me? One thing about me that people always have to understand is if I'm around you long enough, I can tell you everything about you right then and there. That's me. I see your bullsh!t and everything. So me, pet peeves, I don't really have any. 'Cause I'm one of those people that I really don't give a fcuk.

Rashida: So there's not one thing that irritates you?

Digga: Stupid people!

Rashida: The last thing that I have is "Digging Yourself". Do you have any silly things that you do when nobody's looking?

Digga: (Laughs)Yeah. I be rapping and sh!t! You wanna hear something?

Rashida: Yeah.

Digga: What you want me to touch on?

Rashida: The youth. You can do that!

Digga: Nah! I don't want no problems with them niggas! (Laughs)

After doing a short freestyle about candy that was... let's just say he tried! We wrapped up the interview with him sending his final shout outs to his whole Certified Hustleas camp, the Hushmoney family, Geno & Bo from Playa Made Ent., and my mentor, Shimmy!
R.O.B.'s mixtape "I Look Better In Person" is in the streets now. If you've been under a rock and don't have it, you can get it here.

Also check out his video for "Watch Me Ride By"

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