Ever heard of the saying... "Your One Track Minded" well its a lot of proof in that statement! Reason being is that the majority of businesses can be "One Track" minded when it comes to the "Technicality of Technology." Now today we as people that operate our business have to be more on a 'two track level' when it comes to choices. Why? Consumers are now smarter than ever before! In 'Today's Economy' we as a company need to be "On The SAME Track, a Two Track Mind." A train does not trail on one track to pull all the weight of one Idea, to get to one destination. Think 2 Twice & Apply Once! - Shannon "Shimmy" Harris
Below you will find 7 KEY TECHNICAL QUESTIONS that we can apply.
1. Digital - Whats Services shall we Use that are cheap, but effect?
2. Mobile Marketing - We now have to "THINK SMART" 50% of all Internet Activity is done via "Smart Device" aka "Smart Phone"
The iPhone now accounts for 50 percent of mobile Web traffic from smartphones in the U.S., according to an AdMob Mobile Metrics
report released this morning. - May 24, 2009 (TechCrunch.com)
3. Digital Artist Development/Management - IT's a BIG WORLD out THERE!
4. Branding - IMAGE "THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of a MESSAGE!" - Creative Content
5. Gorilla FAN Promotion - get FANS to work with the Artist. Communicate
6. Fan Retention - Speaks for itself.
7. Social Media Management - Who is going to manage all this "TIME" to drive consumer Interest & Demand?
FOLLOW - @Shimmy2one6
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